M&A: Buy-side

We assist buyers by providing in-depth financial and strategic analysis, identifying optimal potential transaction partners, developing creative deal structures, and negotiating complex M&A transaction terms. We are able to provide cross-border credibility to the advisory process, including identifying, approaching and presenting a compelling value proposition to potential targets.

Key Elements of the Asia Plus Buy-side Advisory Process:

Strategic Market Review

Asia Plus will work closely with our client to review company positioning and opportunities.

We will design an acquisition strategy around the strategic needs and market dynamics in the context of investment horizon and client input.

Target Identification

Asia Plus will drive a targeted search with pre-defined investment criteria. We will go through the process of identifying and pursuing acquisition opportunities. We only present our clients with high-quality acquisition targets that have been thoroughly vetted.

Valuation & Due Diligence 

We will work our clients to understand the financial standing of a target by performing an in-depth analysis of the company’s financial statements in order to determine an appropriate valuation that reflects the economic reality of the transaction. Our team has extensive experience in performing due diligence in all of the regions that we operate.

Financing & Negotiation

We work with our client’s to determine the appropriate structure and terms of the transaction with the goal of securing the most advantageous and reasonable transaction terms for our client. We will also advise on the ideal financing arrangement and any other risk mitigation needs that need to be considered in closing the transaction with the goal of minimizing risk throughout and beyond the transaction.

Asia Plus Capital’s buy-side services are segmented into three geographic regions based on inbound investment opportunities in those geographies. We maintain strong global networks with the necessary connections and people to professionally accomplish your investment goals.